Monthly Archive: June 2012

An (unexpected) Adobe Reader Replacement 0

An (unexpected) Adobe Reader Replacement

Hiya all, while sorting through some old downloads stored on my PC today I saw this pretty cool theme that I had installed before. Now as I completely forgot how to install a custom theme (shame on me) I decided to simply read the ReadMe, as they say “Documentation is like sex, when its good.. it’s real good, when its bad.. its still better than nothing”.

Anyways to the point, the document was in pdf format and as I had just re-installed windows 7 on my pc (downgraded from windows 8 which I will discuss later) I had no pdf reader on my pc and was really not in the mood to get one. After a few seconds of staring blankly at my screen in thought I remembered that hey, my browser (Google Chrome) displays pdf files :).

So there I went, took the file and simply dragged and dropped into a new tab and voila!

Although it technically is adobe reader, it works without having to bother download the software package itself and it comes with the usual functions (from left to right) fit to screen height, fit to width, zoom out, zoom in, save and print. And lets be honest, what more would you need from a pdf reading software?
Anyways, just thought i’d share. Oh and as you can see the theme’s name is Placebo by Solmiler feel free to check out his deviantart at
Welcome 0


Hi all, and welcome to The Raves of an IT Madman. As the blog title suggests this is an IT blog and I will mostly be sharing my IT tips, experiences and discoveries with you as I go on through my life. I decided to create this blog as I was torn between my two passions IT… and Anime. I already have an anime blog and so decided that I might as well create one for the other half of me :).

As the world of Information Technology is pretty huge (vague?) I believe I should mention that my specific interests, and by extension what you will be expected here…

  • IT Troubleshooting/Repair, sometimes the technician inside me screams to share a new discoverys and hey 🙂 now I have a medium to let it out. So you can expect completely random HowTo’s and tutorials to do the most bizarre yet interesting things.
  • Computer Security, I am and have been a Certified Penetration Tester for over 3 years now (re-exam due next year, wish me luck) and so a cool discovery on a hack or exploit (as well as how to use, modify, improve)  it may pop up here every now and then.
  • Programming, I love programming languages and while I am nowhere near the best in the world, some cool tips that I discover and find nowhere else may also pop up here.
  • Life-hacks, cool stuff one can do with day to day random IT junk laying around the house.
I believe that I should also mention that I consider myself more of a ‘Computer Science’ guy rather than an ‘Information Technology’ guy but for those who did ComSci in school. There really isn’t much blog-worthy is there? Anyways, thanks for stopping by and welcome to The Raves of an IT Madman