Making Ubuntu (Gnome) more macOS-like

At my new job, I’m once again forced to use a macOS machine for development.

As a result of that, whenever the week is over and I go back to my Ubuntu machine I find that my brain keeps messing up the shortcuts I’ve spent decades learning.

At first, I tried to solve the problem by using karabiner on macOS to make the shortcuts more Windows/Linuxy. This was never perfect since, for example, making ctrl+c copy… makes it unable to kill processes in terminals.

I then decided to give the macOS shortcuts a chance… and it turns out that they are pretty sensible. Using the thumb to copy and paste instead of the pinky just…. feels better. So instead I’ve decided to make my Ubuntu shortcuts more macOS-like…. here are the main steps:

  1. Install gnome-tweaks then navigate to “Keyboard and mouse > Additional Layout Options > Alt and Win behaviour” and select “Ctrl is mapped to Alt, Alt to Win”. This will make most shortcuts work with the thumb but we’ll now need to fix a few things.

  2. The launcher. The Win key will no longer work but we have the shortcut for spotlight memorized so we can use that. For this, I went with albert It also has the benefits of being able to do cool things like math and terminal commands right there in the popup.

  3. Window Switching. Navigate to “Settings > Keyboard > View and customize shortcuts > Navigation” and set ‘Switch Applications’ to Ctrl + Tab

That’s about it, hope I helped.


Meet MutexBot, an alternative to Yoink Bot

Yoink is an excellent shared resource manager in slack, but with the news that it was going paid at an entirely too expensive price in 2022, I figured, “why not write my own”.

So I did… meet, a slack shared resource manager to assist in managing you software licenses, shared accounts, dev environments etc.

The syntax is pretty straightforward

/mutex create [resource_name]
/mutex reserve [resource_name]
/mutex reserve [resource_name] [duration]
/mutex reserve [resource_name] [duration] "[note]"
/mutex release [resource_name]
/mutex delete [resource_name]
/mutex list

Hope all who find it find it useful. I’m also interesting in knowing what you use it for! Leave a comment down below with your MutexBot use case 🙂

Update June 2022 – A Beta dashboard is now available. While logged in, navigate to

ssl-expiration-checker 0

How to check my SSL Certificate Expiration Date

The easiest way to check the expiration or validity of your SSL Certificate is to use an online tool such as UptimeToolbox’s SSL Expiration Checker.

To use you just need to enter the URL or domain name into the form or for the url hackers out there you can use the format replacing the ‘’ bit with your own domain.


How to get Kubernetes CPU allocation for all pods

With the a average person using Kubernetes to deploy workloads it’s likely you’ll hit a CPU allocation wall pretty early. To help debug and optimize your limits, the following lists the cpu requests for each pod.

Credit to abelal83 for the solution.

kubectl get po --all-namespaces -o=jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace}:{}{'\n'}{range .spec.containers[*]}  {.name}:{.resources.requests.cpu}{'\n'}{end}{'\n'}{end}"

In my usage however I’ve found the need to also see the not only the cpu requests but memory requests as well as cpu/mem limits. To do so I’ve tweaked the above to be the following

kubectl get po --all-namespaces -o=jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace}:{}{'\n'}{range .spec.containers[*]}  {.name}:{'limits.cpu'}:{.resources.limits.cpu}{'\n'}  {.name}:{'limits.memory'}:{.resources.limits.memory}{'\n'}  {.name}:{'requests.cpu'}:{.resources.requests.cpu}{'\n'}  {.name}:{'requests.memory'}:{.resources.requests.memory}{'\n'}{end}{'\n'}{end}"

the output of of the above looks like



Monitor your Kubernetes pod cpu and memory usage

watch -n 10 "kubectl top pod --all-namespaces | sort -r -k 3 -n"


watch -n 10 – run every 10s
kubectl top pod --all-namespaces – Get the mem and cpu usage of all pods across all namespaces
sort -r -k 3 -n" – Sort in Reverse order on Key 3 and treat as a Number


How to install Ubuntu Yaru theme in Pop!_OS 20.04


sudo apt install yaru-theme-gnome-shell yaru-theme-gtk yaru-theme-icon yaru-theme-sound

Long Version

To search for a package in apt you can use the command sudo apt search searchterm. Using this command you get the following result:
