Category: Miscellaneous

Façade’s Cabal Bot *SOURCE CODE* 6

Façade’s Cabal Bot *SOURCE CODE*

For those who requested the source code here you go. Would greatly appreciate it if you leave the credits and name as is 🙂 Thank you.


If you have any questions and/or recommendations, please leave in the comment section below. (Improvements welcome)

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:
Author:         Façade

Script Function:
Cabal PixelBot.

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 ; Set a HotKey
 HotKeySet("{F3}", "_Interrupt_HotKey") ;F3 to stop
 HotKeySet("{F4}", "CloseBot") ;F4 to quit

 ; Declare a flag
 $fInterrupt = 0

$dll = DllOpen("user32.dll")

Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ; Change to OnEvent mode

$mainwindow = GUICreate("Façade's Cabal Bot", 350, 400) ;Create Window
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "CloseBot")
GUISetFont(10, 700)

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#cs ------------------------
#ce ------------------------

$filemenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&File")
$exititem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit", $filemenu)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($exititem, "StopBot")

$helpmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("?")
$aboutitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("About", $helpmenu)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aboutitem, "aboutmenu")

#cs ------------------------
#ce ------------------------

; general interface
GUICtrlCreateLabel("xTop", 8, 10)
$xTop = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 44, 8, 100)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("yTop", 8, 42)
$yTop = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 44, 40, 100)
$SetVirtBoxTop = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set Top", 5, 74, 150)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($SetVirtBoxTop, "SetTop")

GUICtrlCreateLabel("xBot", 170, 10)
$xBot = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 206, 8, 100)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("yBot", 170, 42)
$yBot = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 206, 40, 100)
$SetVirtBoxBot = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set Bottom", 175, 74, 150)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($SetVirtBoxBot, "SetBot")

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hp", 8, 120)
$xHpPos = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 30, 116, 50)
$yHpPos = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 82, 116, 50)
$HpColor = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 134, 116, 80)
$HpColorPreview = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 220, 116, 25)
$SetHpColor = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set Hp", 250, 113, 80)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($SetHpColor, "SetHp")

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Reset Mob", 8, 150)
$xMobPos = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 145, 40)
$yMobPos = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 122, 145, 40)
$MobColor = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 164, 145, 60)
$ResetMobPreview = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 230, 145, 25)
$SetMob = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set Point", 260, 143, 80)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($SetMob, "Set_Mob")

GUICtrlCreateLabel("MOB COLORS", 8, 188)
$doRed = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Red", 14, 205, 75)
$doOrange = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Orange", 14, 225, 75)
$doYellow = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Yellow", 14, 245, 75)

$buffbutton = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Auto Buff", 150, 190, 100)

$potbutton = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Auto Pot", 150, 220, 100)
GUICtrlSetState($potbutton, $GUI_CHECKED)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($potbutton, "enable_pot")

$HpAssist = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Hp Assist", 250, 220, 100)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($HpAssist, "hp_assist")

$z_target = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Z-Targeting", 150, 250, 100)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($z_target, "z_target")
GUICtrlSetState($z_target, $GUI_DISABLE)

$stopbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Stop Bot", 5, 348, 340)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($stopbutton, "StopBot")
GUICtrlSetState($stopbutton, $GUI_DISABLE)

$startbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start Bot", 5, 318, 340)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($startbutton, "StartBot")

;GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;show Graphical User Interface


#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 ; Intercept Windows command messages with out own handler

While 1

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Func SetTop()
While 1
If _IsPressed("1", $dll) Then
$coord = MouseGetPos()
$x = $coord[0]
$y = $coord[1]
;MsgBox(0, "Your Values", $x)
GUICtrlSetData($xTop, $x)
GUICtrlSetData($yTop, $y)
EndFunc   ;==>SetTop

Func SetBot()
While 1
If _IsPressed("1", $dll) Then
$coord = MouseGetPos()
$x = $coord[0]
$y = $coord[1]
GUICtrlSetData($xBot, $x)
GUICtrlSetData($yBot, $y)
EndFunc   ;==>SetBot

Func SetHp()
While 1
If _IsPressed("1", $dll) Then
$coord = MouseGetPos()
$x = $coord[0]
$y = $coord[1]
$getcolor = PixelGetColor($coord[0], $coord[1])
$color = Hex($getcolor, 6)
GUICtrlSetData($xHpPos, $x)
GUICtrlSetData($yHpPos, $y)
$fullcolor = "0x" & $color
GUICtrlSetData($HpColor, $fullcolor)
GUICtrlSetBkColor($HpColorPreview, $getcolor)
EndFunc   ;==>SetHp

Func Set_Mob()
While 1
If _IsPressed("1", $dll) Then
$coord = MouseGetPos()
$x = $coord[0]
$y = $coord[1]
$getcolor = PixelGetColor($coord[0], $coord[1])
$mcolor = Hex($getcolor, 6)
GUICtrlSetData($xMobPos, $x)
GUICtrlSetData($yMobPos, $y)
$fullmobcolor = "0x" & $mcolor
GUICtrlSetData($MobColor, $fullmobcolor)
GUICtrlSetBkColor($ResetMobPreview, $getcolor)
EndFunc   ;==>Set_Mob

Func enable_pot()
If GUICtrlRead($potbutton) = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then
GUICtrlSetState($HpColor, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($xHpPos, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($yHpPos, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($HpColorPreview, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($SetHpColor, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($HpAssist, $GUI_DISABLE)

If GUICtrlRead($potbutton) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
GUICtrlSetState($HpColor, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($xHpPos, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($yHpPos, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($HpColorPreview, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($SetHpColor, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($HpAssist, $GUI_ENABLE)
EndFunc   ;==>enable_pot

Func hp_assist()
If GUICtrlRead($HpAssist) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
GUICtrlSetState($doRed, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($doOrange, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($doYellow, $GUI_DISABLE)

If GUICtrlRead($HpAssist) = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then
GUICtrlSetState($doRed, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($doOrange, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($doYellow, $GUI_ENABLE)
EndFunc   ;==>enable_pot

Func z_target()
If GUICtrlRead($z_target) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
GUICtrlSetState($doRed, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($doRed, $GUI_UNCHECKED)
GUICtrlSetState($doOrange, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($doOrange, $GUI_UNCHECKED)
GUICtrlSetState($doYellow, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($doYellow, $GUI_UNCHECKED)

If GUICtrlRead($z_target) = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then
GUICtrlSetState($doRed, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($doOrange, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($doYellow, $GUI_ENABLE)
EndFunc   ;==>z_target

Func CloseBot()
;  MsgBox(0, "GUI Event", "Exiting...")
EndFunc   ;==>CloseBot

Func StopBot()
GUICtrlSetState($startbutton, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($stopbutton, $GUI_DISABLE)
EndFunc   ;==>StopBot

Func StartBot()

GUICtrlSetState($startbutton, $GUI_DISABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($stopbutton, $GUI_ENABLE)

WinWaitNotActive ( "Façade's Cabal Bot", "", 2)

     ; Make sure the flag is cleared
     $fInterrupt = 0

$xTop1 = GUICtrlRead($xTop)
$yTop1 = GUICtrlRead($yTop)
$xBot1 = GUICtrlRead($xBot)
$yBot1 = GUICtrlRead($yBot)

$MobNameColor = "0xD1DB0A"
$YellowMob = "0xD1DB0A" ;"0xD8D702"
$OrangeMob = "0xD56F00"
$RedMob = "0xD31E18"

$xMyHp = GUICtrlRead($xHpPos)
$yMyHp = GUICtrlRead($yHpPos)
$myHpColor = GUICtrlRead($HpColor)

$xMobHp = GUICtrlRead($xMobPos)
$yMobHp = GUICtrlRead($yMobPos)
$MobHpColor = GUICtrlRead($MobColor)

While 1
If $fInterrupt <> 0 Then

$alive = PixelGetColor($xMobHp, $yMobHp)
If $alive = $MobHpColor or GUICtrlRead($HpAssist) = $GUI_CHECKED then

While $alive = $MobHpColor
if GUICtrlRead($HpAssist) = $GUI_UNCHECKED then

$getHp = PixelGetColor($xMyHp, $yMyHp);

If ($getHp <> $myHpColor And GUICtrlRead($potbutton) == $GUI_CHECKED) _
   or ($getHp <> $myHpColor And GUICtrlRead($HpAssist) == $GUI_CHECKED) Then

$alive = PixelGetColor($xMobHp, $yMobHp);


ElseIf $alive <> $MobHpColor Then
Global $n
Global $coord = ""
if not IsArray($coord) and GUICtrlRead($doYellow) = $GUI_CHECKED then
$coord = PixelSearch($xTop1, $yTop1, $xBot1, $yBot1, $YellowMob, 15)
$n = @error
if not IsArray($coord) and GUICtrlRead($doRed) = $GUI_CHECKED then
$coord = PixelSearch($xTop1, $yTop1, $xBot1, $yBot1, $RedMob, 15)
$n = @error
if not IsArray($coord) and GUICtrlRead($doOrange) = $GUI_CHECKED then
$coord = PixelSearch($xTop1, $yTop1, $xBot1, $yBot1, $OrangeMob, 15)
$n = @error

If IsArray($coord)Then
While @error = 0
$rand = Random(25, 35, 1)
$x = $coord[0]
$y = $coord[1] + $rand
MouseClick("left", $x, $y, 1)
$alive = PixelGetColor($xMobHp, $yMobHp)

If $alive = $MobHpColor Then

;$coord = PixelSearch($xTop,$yTop,$xBot,$yBot,$yellowmob,5)
;    $n = @error

ElseIf $n And GUICtrlRead($buffbutton) == $GUI_CHECKED Then
$buff = Random(7, 9, 1)


EndFunc   ;==>StartBot

 Func _WM_COMMAND($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam)
     ; The Func 2 button was pressed so set the flag
     If BitAND($wParam, 0x0000FFFF) =  $stopbutton Then $fInterrupt = 1
     Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG
 EndFunc   ;==>_WM_COMMAND

 Func _Interrupt_HotKey()
     ; The HotKey was pressed so set the flag
     $fInterrupt = 2
GUICtrlSetState($startbutton, $GUI_ENABLE)
GUICtrlSetState($stopbutton, $GUI_DISABLE)

#cs ------------------------
#ce ------------------------

Func aboutmenu()

MsgBox(0, "Façade's Cabal Bot V1.0", "For Updates and Feature Suggestions go to")

EndFunc   ;==>aboutmenu


Façade’s Cabal Bot 2

Façade’s Cabal Bot

This page is reserved for discussions, feature request’s and Updates on ‘Façade’s Cabal Bot’. Just leave everything in the comment section Below 🙂

Current Version: V1.0
Release Date : July 10th 2012

Download Links:

64 bit Version

32 bit Version (untested)

  1. Open Cabal, log in, choose your character and move to any map with monsters.
  2. Open Bot.
  3. Click ‘Set Top’ then click the top-right corner of an imaginary box in Cabal where you want the bot to search for mobs (Note, close map on top right corner for bigger box with less unexpected issues)
  4. Do the same for ‘Set Bottom’ but click the bottom-right corner.
  5. If you wish to have the bot autopot then click ‘Set Hp’ then click on the area on your screen where you wish the bot to send the Pot Command “=”
  6. Click ‘Set Point’ then Select on the Monster Hp Bar in Cabal, the leftmost area whilst still maintaining the yellow, or yellowish color.
    NOTE: If you see a black (or other unexpected) color instead of the one you clicked on then you either have the wrong version, or you need to run as administrator
  7. Select the Color of Mob you wish to attack, choose from the other available options.
  8. On completion press Start Bot
  9. Top Pause Bot press F3 or Stop Bot (may take a second or two to stop).
  10. To close Press F4.
Other Important Notes
This Bot expects that:
  1. Your Hp Pot is set to ‘=’
  2. Auto Attack is on and your attacks are on keys 1 to 6
  3. Your Main buffs are on keys 7 to 9
Enjoy and Bot Responsibly.
How to Create a Cabal Bot 19

How to Create a Cabal Bot

Okay so today I am going to show you guys how to create a pixel bot for Cabal Online. In fact you can pretty much use this technique for any game out there but hey, let’s just go with cabal for now. First let me explain why a pixel bot. We are using a pixel bot because:

  1. Its Easy
  2. Its Impossible for Game-guard to Detect
  3. This Method will ALWAYS work and does not require a bypass
  4. Its EASY!!
Before we start I should probably mention that this entire process is going to take about 15 minutes or so and is very resource intensive on your brain (well.. assuming you have no programming experience). So take a bath, have a snack and make sure you are completely relaxed.

STEP 1 – Download AutoIT

While there are many other programs to do this but I have found AutoIT to just make this particular task (and in fact many other windows automation tasks) easy and hey, it’s free. To download first go here. You will see multiple files but the only thing you need is the ‘AutoIt Full Installation” so download that, Install and let’s get going!
After you download and install, in your programs menu you should see this list of programs:

 if not please ensure you downloaded the right file.

STEP 2 – Setting up

We start now by opening the ‘SciTE Script Editor’ and a notepad like window should open up. Put that on one side of your screen. (If you have multiple screens fill one screen with it.) As I have windows 7 I will simply auto align it to the left half of my screen.
Open up Cabal Online/Cabal NA, whichever cabal you have and place on the right side of your screen. When you are done, your setup should look something like this

How you setup your screen now is how the bot will work, if you move anything by a millimeter, there are no guarantees it will work properly.
I suggest that you therefore either use cabal maximized or if you have windows 7 or 8 (ONLY IF you have windows 7 or 8), drag to the left until it shows the clear, ‘usehalfofscreen’ outline and release. Remember if you have a custom theme like mine, make sure it is always enabled when you are using your bot. For best results use a windows default theme (like the windows 7 basic theme) when creating and using your bot.

STEP 3 – Starting to code – finding your boundaries

Login to your cabal account, select the character you want to bot with, and go to the area in which you wish to bot. In this example I will do something a bit intense and create a Pontus Ferrum Grinding bot. I will use my FS but any character should work. Ps. you do not need a lot of defense as we will auto hp and other cool stuff.
So here I am in Pontus ferrum, first thing we do is select 4 points on the screen where we would like our program to search for mobs. To do this, open up AutoIT Window Info.  Scroll to the left until you see ‘mouse’ click on that tab.
Yes I know everything is blank, and that is because the program is in a ‘frozen’ state, to unfreeze you press Ctrl + Alt + F or Options > Freeze. Click back on your cabal screen and voila, numbers!

Now hover over the top leftmost area on your cabal screen where you would like to start creating your virtual box for finding mobs and press Ctrl + Alt + F to Freeze the program again. You should see something like
This gives you your X Y co-ordinates of your mouse on the screen. With the two numbers to the right of ‘Position’ you enter into your program like this
$xTop = firstnumber
$yTop = secondnumber
Ensure you replace the placeholders with your own numbers like I did in the image below.
Do the same with another point at the bottom left to create your virtual square but call the positions:

$xBot = bottomfirstnumber
$yBot = bottomsecondnumber

Now we have our virtual square let’s go to the mobs we shall be hunting, printscreen a sample one and paste that printscreen into paint. While in paint, open up AutoIt Window Info again and after unfreezing, hover over the name of the mob (In my case it is yellow).

 Note this time the value to the right of ‘ color’ and add this to your program in the following fashion

$mobcolor = “0xD1DB0A” {remember to put in YOUR value, with the quotes}
You now only need to find two more sets of values, the first is for when your hp drops too low, and the second is to know when your monster is dead.
What you do is  (assuming you have full hp). Use AutoIt Window Info again and hover to the area just a little right of the numbers on your hp bar and freeze autoIt there (you will need magnify to get a good spot) Try to get an area near what I have in the pic below:

With your given values at Position and Color, enter them into your code in this fashion:
$xMyHp = 849
$yMyHp = 45
$myHpColor = “0xFF1C13”
You do the same thing with the monster Hp Bar but this time to take it to the EXTREME left as in the pic below, insert into your program in the fashion
$xMobHp = 905
$yMobHp = 50
$MobHpColor = “0xE19D00”
Your code should now look like this. (with different values of course)
$xTop = 496
$yTop = 110
$xBot = 1271
$yBot = 579
$mobcolor = “0xD1DB0A”
$xMyHp = 849
$yMyHp = 45
$myHpColor = “0xFF1C13”
$xMobHp = 905
$yMobHp = 50
$MobHpColor = “0xE19D00”
Congratulations! you are now done with the initialization.

STEP 4 – The Main Loop

We are now going to begin the main loop of the program, this you can just copy and paste under your previous code. For the more curious/adventurous individuals, I will add another post explaining each step a bit later.

while 1
                $coord = PixelSearch($xTop,$yTop,$xBot,$yBot,$mobcolor,5)
                $n = @error
                If NOT @error Then
                                while $n = 0
                                                $x = $coord[0]
                                                $y = $coord[1] + 60
                                                MouseClick(“left”, $x, $y, 1)
                                                $alive = PixelGetColor ( $xMobHp, $yMobHp);

                If $alive = $MobHpColor Then

;               $coord = PixelSearch($xTop,$yTop,$xBot,$yBot,$yellowmob,5)
;    $n = @error
                If $alive = $MobHpColor then
                                while $alive = $MobHpColor
                                                $getHp = PixelGetColor ( $xMyHp, $yMyHp);
                                                if $getHp $myHpColor then
                                $alive = PixelGetColor ( $xMobHp, $yMobHp);

                                $buff = Random(7, 9, 1)

Unless you plan on editing the code to suit you the default settings are as follows

  1. Ensure AutoAttack is On
  2. Put normal attacks on slots 1 through 6
  3. Put buffs on slots 7, 8 and 9
  4. Put Hp Pots on ‘=’
There is a 5 second delay between starting the bot and it activating so plan for that
To pause, click on the icon at bottom left area of taskbar, to exit.. rightclick on icon and press exit.

Step 5 – Compile and Enjoy!

Save your hard work on your desktop then you can either, rightclick and select Run Script. Or rightlick and select ‘Compile Script’ which will create an exe file you can run without AutoIT installed.
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions, leave me a message in the comment box and i’ll try my best to reply asap.
Ps. If you love the work put in this tutorial, nothing says thank you more than helping me buy a coffee. Also, I would prefer if you linked to this page here instead of copying and pasting this work to other websites. Thank you!
An (unexpected) Adobe Reader Replacement 0

An (unexpected) Adobe Reader Replacement

Hiya all, while sorting through some old downloads stored on my PC today I saw this pretty cool theme that I had installed before. Now as I completely forgot how to install a custom theme (shame on me) I decided to simply read the ReadMe, as they say “Documentation is like sex, when its good.. it’s real good, when its bad.. its still better than nothing”.

Anyways to the point, the document was in pdf format and as I had just re-installed windows 7 on my pc (downgraded from windows 8 which I will discuss later) I had no pdf reader on my pc and was really not in the mood to get one. After a few seconds of staring blankly at my screen in thought I remembered that hey, my browser (Google Chrome) displays pdf files :).

So there I went, took the file and simply dragged and dropped into a new tab and voila!

Although it technically is adobe reader, it works without having to bother download the software package itself and it comes with the usual functions (from left to right) fit to screen height, fit to width, zoom out, zoom in, save and print. And lets be honest, what more would you need from a pdf reading software?
Anyways, just thought i’d share. Oh and as you can see the theme’s name is Placebo by Solmiler feel free to check out his deviantart at
Welcome 0


Hi all, and welcome to The Raves of an IT Madman. As the blog title suggests this is an IT blog and I will mostly be sharing my IT tips, experiences and discoveries with you as I go on through my life. I decided to create this blog as I was torn between my two passions IT… and Anime. I already have an anime blog and so decided that I might as well create one for the other half of me :).

As the world of Information Technology is pretty huge (vague?) I believe I should mention that my specific interests, and by extension what you will be expected here…

  • IT Troubleshooting/Repair, sometimes the technician inside me screams to share a new discoverys and hey 🙂 now I have a medium to let it out. So you can expect completely random HowTo’s and tutorials to do the most bizarre yet interesting things.
  • Computer Security, I am and have been a Certified Penetration Tester for over 3 years now (re-exam due next year, wish me luck) and so a cool discovery on a hack or exploit (as well as how to use, modify, improve)  it may pop up here every now and then.
  • Programming, I love programming languages and while I am nowhere near the best in the world, some cool tips that I discover and find nowhere else may also pop up here.
  • Life-hacks, cool stuff one can do with day to day random IT junk laying around the house.
I believe that I should also mention that I consider myself more of a ‘Computer Science’ guy rather than an ‘Information Technology’ guy but for those who did ComSci in school. There really isn’t much blog-worthy is there? Anyways, thanks for stopping by and welcome to The Raves of an IT Madman